The secret to consistency

Black woman sitting on ground in front of couch, holding a cell phone, thinking.


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Consistency is one of those topics that I get really fired up about. There are going to be tons of people who tell you consistency is the key to success, and they’re right. Consistency is how I’ve built my business from zero to a million dollars, but while it’s a term that gets bandied about often, it’s so tragically misunderstood and misapplied at the same time.

People often wonder how to be as consistent in their business as I am, and I get asked how I come up with new and creative content all the time in my marketing. Sure, I show up every single day and have done for years, but I’ve got one key insight that will guarantee a shift in how you perceive consistency.

Join me this week as I give you the secret to consistency. If you want to get consistent at marketing or anything else, you’ll discover how to start the process of exploration in a brand new way so showing up consistently goes from being something that requires discipline and willpower to pain-free, effortless fun. 

If you want to dive deeper and do the work of unearthing what makes you unique, and you want a step-by-step process for showing up in a way where people look to you as the authority and expert, whether without a niche or a very specific one, I would love to invite you to join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you in there!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How people “should” all over themselves when it comes to consistency. 

  • Why consistency that requires a lot of effort and discipline is unlikely to stick.

  • How to allow for effortless consistency. 

  • One key insight that will change your relationship with consistency forever. 

  • Questions you can ask yourself for creating lasting consistency. 

  • How to consistently create marketing content that is unique to you and compelling to your people.

Featured on the Show:

  • Sign up to my email list and receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips!

  • If this episode is making you think, I would love if you could share your thoughts with me over on Instagram!

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