You Should Write a Book. Here’s How.



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Aspiring authors, listen up! Writing a book is a unique opportunity that was once only available to the privileged few. However, this has changed, and anyone can do it with the right guidance. Fortunately, I'm here to offer that guidance and help you achieve your goal.

You might believe that writing a book requires you to go through a stressful, angst-filled, drama-inducing process. But let me assure you, that's not the case. In fact, all that drama could be detrimental to your book's success. In this week's episode, we're skipping all that nonsense and focusing on a simpler approach to writing.

If you've ever had the desire to write a book, you won't want to miss this episode. I'll show you how writing a book is much more straightforward than you think, the steps to take to build your body of work while enjoying the process, and a secret that will blow your mind. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a successful author.

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop to find the best of my teachings organized into a beautiful actionable sequence, I got you. I took the best of my episodes and created a whole damn workbook around them: The Simone Starter Pack. It’s the ultimate marketing cheat sheet. What are you waiting for? Grab it now!

The next round of the Best Fucking Coaching Course Ever Created starts September 2023. This is for brand-new coaches who have never taken coach training before, and seasoned coaches who want to radically update their skillset. Every single person who calls themselves a coach deserves the revolutionary ideas and processes we teach inside, so click here to sign up right now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What a garbage post is and why you should be writing them.

  • Some cool secrets and hacks to help you write the book you’ve been wanting to write.

  • The easiest way to write without actually writing.

  • How to write your book by accident.

  • The value of repurposing your content and how to do it.

  • A surefire way to guarantee that you will never be an author (and how to avoid this!)

  • How I used what I’m teaching you today to write my own books.

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Non-Toxic Masculinity


My love letter to the exhausted and burnt-out creator