Feel squidgy about pricing? Listen to this



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If you are a practitioner, healer, coach, or service provider of any kind and feel squidgy about prices that reflect the quality of your work and its impact on your clients, while also having enough for you to have the kind of life you deserve, listen in.

Those in the helping profession have historically been under-compensated if they’re not being shamed into offering their services for free out of the goodness of their hearts. It is vital for us to be aware of the historical, cultural, and political context in which we are being made to feel ashamed or guilty about charging good money for our work, and we’re diving into it this week. 

Tune in this week as I encourage you to lovingly, peacefully, and uncompromisingly set a new standard for the value of your labor. You’ll hear the history behind why women especially feel squidgy about setting prices that reflect the value of their work, my philosophy on ethical pricing, and how to charge in a way that feels beautiful to the relationships that exist in the ecosystem of your business. 

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop to find the best of my teachings organized into a beautiful actionable sequence, I got you. I took the best of my episodes and created a whole damn workbook around them: The Simone Starter Pack. It’s the ultimate marketing cheat sheet. What are you waiting for? Grab it now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why women especially feel squidgy about pricing their services accurately.

  • How the self-development industry introduces danger to the subversive formula of keeping women uncompensated.

  • Why charging your prices the way you want to is not a moral deficiency. 

  • How we use misogyny against ourselves and other women.

  • My ethical pricing philosophy.

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