The wisdom of strategic downsizing



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Have you ever seen big leaders in entrepreneurship talk publicly about intentionally making less money… and actually do it? In a world where we’re taught that growth and an upward trajectory are always the goal, intentional and strategic downsizing isn’t something we’re taught how to do, and it’s costing us. 

This year, I’m intentionally and strategically downsizing my business. My aim is to simplify and shed by turning down hugely profitable projects and doing things that might slow down or reverse my audience growth, all in the name of intentionally diverting my energy and creativity to non-income-producing activities. And the truth is my business has never felt more like a loving partner.

If you feel pressured to skip out on sleep, vacations, or time you need to feed your mind, body, and spirit, listen in. I’m exploring how it costs us when there’s no frame of reference for intentional and strategic downsizing, why we need to recognize what truly needs safeguarding, and my tips for practicing strategic downsizing in a way that feels joyful, ease-filled, and sustainable.

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop to find the best of my teachings organized into a beautiful actionable sequence, I got you. I took the best of my episodes and created a whole damn workbook around them: The Simone Starter Pack. It’s the ultimate marketing cheat sheet. What are you waiting for? Grab it now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • My definition of intentional and strategic downsizing.

  • Why people who downsize aren’t held up as models of success worth emulating.

  • What happens when money is considered the only thing that matters.

  • How it costs us when there’s no frame of reference for intentional and strategic downsizing.

  • Healthy ways to practice strategic downsizing, even if you’re actively growing. 

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