Debunking the idea of a “Scarcity Mindset”



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Have you ever told yourself or been told by someone else to “work on your scarcity mindset?”

I recently read an article featured in Behavioral Scientist that blew my mind and completely invalidated the idea of a “scarcity mindset.” It provides a much more nuanced take on this concept, and perfectly demonstrates why it’s gaslighting and doesn’t actually equalize the economic and cognitive playing field.

Join me on this episode as I debunk the idea of a “scarcity mindset” and illuminate the truth about the cognitive burden of living in a scarce reality. I’m sharing the science behind our cognition when we’re dealing with scarce resources, and what’s truly required for more people to be able to access an abundance mindset. 

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop to find the best of my teachings organized into a beautiful actionable sequence, I got you. I took the best of my episodes and created a whole damn workbook around them: The Simone Starter Pack. It’s the ultimate marketing cheat sheet. What are you waiting for? Grab it now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The truth about the cognitive burden of living in a scarce reality.

  • What the idea of a “scarcity mindset” doesn’t take into account.

  • Why I find the concept of the “scarcity mindset” equal to gaslighting.

  • How the concept of a “scarcity mindset” places bigger burdens on people already experiencing real problems.

  • What is necessary for more people to have an abundance mindset. 

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