Moral perfectionism



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If you’re wrestling with the concept of moral perfectionism as an entrepreneur, you are not alone. Trying to guarantee that every decision you make is bettering the world is something to be acknowledged and celebrated, but if the fear of getting it “wrong” is paralyzing you to the point of hiding, listen in.

If chasing moral perfectionism feels like a fear of failure, judgment, or inadequacy no matter what you do or how hard you try, I encourage you to drop it. The nature of human life and the decisions we make are inherently and endlessly complex, and this week, I’m showing you why perfectionism simply isn’t necessary when you’re continually pursuing better ethics in your business.

Tune in this week to discover what moral perfectionism means, and how you might be using it against yourself. You’ll hear why moral perfectionism is an impossible standard to hold yourself to, what a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset in ethics looks like, and a set of guidelines to think about as you strive to grow in your virtue.

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop to find the best of my teachings organized into a beautiful actionable sequence, I got you. I took the best of my episodes and created a whole damn workbook around them: The Simone Starter Pack. It’s the ultimate marketing cheat sheet. What are you waiting for? Grab it now!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • What moral perfectionism means.

  • How you might be using moral perfectionism against yourself.

  • Why moral perfectionism is an impossible standard to hold yourself to.

  • How chasing moral perfectionism leaves you exhausted and full of self-doubt.

  • What it means to have humility about your moral framework and values.

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