How to get amazing testimonials



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Does the thought of asking your clients for testimonials feel awkward and icky to you? There are so many misconceptions about what testimonials are really about, and I have some strong feelings about them that I can’t wait to share with you on today’s episode to get you thinking about them in a way that serves you and your people. 

If you’re in a place in your business where your clients have had amazing transformations but you’re feeling timid about asking them to share their experience, or whether you believe testimonials are what will validate you as a coach and help you sell, you have to listen in. There are a number of things that can make testimonials completely ineffective, and I’m addressing everything you need to know to turn them into a sacred part of your business. 

Join me on the podcast this week to discover the biggest thing you need to know about testimonials, and how to ask for them in a way that feels completely joyful and filled with ease. I’m also laying out a complete guide of what to aim for and what to avoid so they can be transformative, even for the people who don’t end up buying from you. 

Applications for my 6 Months to Fully Booked Mastermind is opening up again in February! Spots sold out pretty much immediately last time, so if you want early notification of the doors opening to get in there before everyone else, click here!

Get ready to un-suck your marketing, forever. The doors to Joyful Marketing are open right now!

If you want a shot of fresh inspiration and actionable tips to improve your marketing every single week, sign up to my email list. By signing up, you’ll receive my free e-book called 20 Unsolicited Copy Tips, so get on it!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • The biggest thing you need to know about testimonials. 

  • What sells your coaching. 

  • Why you might feel weird or hesitant about asking your clients for testimonials. 

  • The fundamental essence of what a testimonial is supposed to be about. 

  • What makes testimonials ineffective and what makes them effective. 

  • My recommendations and tips for setting up testimonials from your clients. 

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