Defrosting the wild animal inside you with David Bedrick

David Bedrick, a white man with glasses and grey face stubble, looking into the camera. No smile, but content.


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This week, I’m introducing you to my co-conspirator, co-creator, and co-teacher of a brand new class called The Shame Clinic. David Bedrick is a teacher and mentor of mine, and the work we’ve done together has so radically transformed my life that I’ve been thinking about how to share his brilliance with you, so I talked him into a collaboration.

David Bedrick is a therapist, ex-attorney, author, researcher, and founder of The Santa Fe Institute for Shame-Based Studies. He calls himself a psychological activist, and he describes his own upbringing and experience of shame as his deepest credential. Together, we’ve teamed up to create a five-week intensive course designed to uproot shame so you can develop a new framework for relating to yourself, and you’re hearing all about it today.

Join us on this episode as I introduce you to David and the extensive body of his work. We’re diving into what shame is, how it operates, and what the real antidote is. David and I are discussing how shame keeps us frozen like a wild animal in a cage, and what the process of defrosting and defanging the beast of shame looks like. Make sure to tune in tomorrow where we’ll be diving into the shamanic process of getting unshamed.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of life-altering unshaming and liberation, you have to come join me and David at our five-week intensive class, The Shame Clinic. It’s happening from September 19th 2022 through to October 17th 2022, and we hope to see you there. 

If you want to dive deeper and do the work of unearthing what makes you unique, and you want a step-by-step process for showing up in a way where people look to you as the authority and expert, whether without a niche or a very specific one, I would love to invite you to join my marketing training program, Joyful Marketing. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you in there!


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How David describes what it means to be a psychological activist. 

  • Why shame is the most cost-effective thing you can work on.

  • All the ways we wrap ourselves in shame and stay as small as possible.

  • How we don’t treat ourselves with loving curiosity.

  • Why we’re like wild animals that have been frozen when we’re shrouded in shame. 

  • The reason we believe we need a “healthy” amount of shame to make decisions in our lives. 

  • How you’re able to trust your instincts more when you operate without shame. 

  • The real antidote to shame. 

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