The Shame Clinic closes enrollment FOR GOOD on October 18th at 11:59pm ET

Go on a thought experiment with me for a second.

How would you show up to the world if shame had no power over you?

and Where would your business be if shame played zero role in your decision-making?

You know all about shame. That pit in your stomach. That sharp, jabbing flutter in your chest.

  • It tells you that you’re a failure when something you do fails.

  • It tells you you’re not good enough, no matter how many milestones you achieve.

  • It tells you to hide, self-censor and reject yourself before others have a chance to.

  • It tells you that you’re uniquely, irredeemably fucked up.

Shame is likely the biggest unspoken business-killer, growth-saboteur, and dream-stealer.

So… what have you tried that works against it?

I’m Simone, marketing mentor and life coach. And for most of my life, shame controlled me.

Throughout most of my teens and 20’s, I was a professional hider. I was a singer who avoided auditions. I didn’t apply to the vast majority of jobs I wanted, because I would rather stay under-paid than experience rejection. Even after I learned coaching, I had difficulty telling people that I had a gift to offer.

I was hiding, hiding, hiding. Because of shame.

Much of my own journey as a practitioner over the past decade was based in me trying to wrestle my desires and dreams away from the grip of shame.

And I was successful, to a degree. As a healing and self-development junkie, I’ve learned and practiced every tool under the sun to try to alleviate the pain of shame, and the way it constantly obstructed my ability to go after what I want.

But here’s the truth. In all those years, all that the best tools offered me was temporary relief from shame. Some helpful ways of thinking around shame. Some ways to show up in spite of shame.

And that made a big enough difference.

I thought, “Well, I guess that’s just how it is.”

I was resigned to living with shame, thinking of it like a “chronic disease” that can’t completely be cured, but can be “managed.” After all, life isn’t all roses and daisies, right?

Enter David Bedrick, a brilliant and unconventional therapist.

Working with him did something that I didn’t even know was possible, and something that I’ve never even seen modeled before:

the complete and permanent healing of shame.

It wasn’t a chronic condition that I had to “manage” anymore.

It was just… done. It no longer had a hold over me.



I actually could not believe it. I could still cry, thinking about the freedom and power I found afterward.

The impact on my business has ben seismic — both energetically and financially.

Since then, I couldn’t stop thinking about how to bring this work to my people.

So, I talked David into collaborating with me. I told him how much entrepreneurs need this work. How many dreams are killed by shame, how many gifts buried, and how much growth thwarted.

And we put our brains together and created something the world hasn’t seen before: a deep, ground-breaking shame-healing program specifically for entrepreneurs.

our aim is nothing short of healing your relationship with shame completely in a 5-week intensive course so that it can never hold you back in business again.

Not just offer you some new ways of thinking about shame.

Not give you temporary respite from shame.

Or help you to go through life with a little less shame.

But give you the tools, the somatic experiences, and the practices to liberate you from the painful grip of shame, in all aspects of your personal life and business, forever.

To be sure, you can’t resolve all the underlying childhood and generational dynamics and traumas that create the soil conditions for shame in just 5 weeks.

However, here is what you CAN do:

  • Learn the framework to recognize shame when it is at play. This is a crucial first step, because often, shame disguises itself as just a ‘helpful’ impulse toward self-improvement. (e.g. “The reason you don’t have what you want is ____”, or “If only you could overcome/fix/change ___ about yourself, you could…” This is an abusive shaming inner voice masquerading as having your best interests at heart. This recognition is the step most people miss in de-shaming work.

  • Understand shame not just as an individual issue, or a problem of your ‘thoughts’, but as the symptom of existing in an intersection of oppressive and violent systems that undermine the wisdom and vitality of your true self

  • Learn a powerful and believable new way of seeing yourself, especially where shame has taken root in ‘diagnosing’ what you think is wrong with you.

  • Have a deeply felt somatic experience of that new way of seeing yourself, which anchors it into your unconscious patterns and memory.

  • Practice and integrate those neural pathways until they become a solidly accessible new response in your nervous system. It takes 21 days to wire in a new habit into your brain.

With this process, you will not only achieve a freedom from shame, but you will have the tools to stop any ‘new’ shame from growing and persisting.

From that place, you can truly, wholly, and permanently live an un-shamed life. You can move through the world as an un-shame-able being.

Shame makes people fragile and fearful.

Fear and fragility are the exact two things that keep most people from creating huge momentum in their business.

It also keeps people from expressing what’s different about themselves, which is the way the unique medicine you offer the world gets buried.

When you aren’t ashamed and afraid of failure or judgment, you end up moving through space and time at a remarkably faster speed, and without working harder. (That isn’t necessarily ‘better’. But it is a way of being that feels profoundly joyful.)

Less shame means more failure resilience. More courage and authenticity.

More honesty and accountability.

Higher quality decisions. Exponentially more ease in receiving and taking up space.

More impact. More clients. More money.

we know how shame works, and we know entrepreneurs.

We will address shame around showing up, giving, asking, receiving, failing, succeeding (oh yeah, succeeding can be just as shaming as failure) — all of the ways it shows up for humans doing business.

In this course, you will be seen, met, and addressed for the totality that you are — a body, mind, as well as spirit.

What we’re after: the glory of a fully-expressed YOU-NESS in the world, unencumbered by the distorting lies of shame.

Oh, what a gift to the world that will be.

We cannot wait to welcome you into this experience.

FEE: $500

Dates: September 19th — October 17th, 5 weeks



In a way, working with David has been one of my “secret weapons”, and I’m so thrilled to “un-secret” him to an audience of entrepreneurs.

This is for all types of entrepreneurs and practitioners (even if the only person you ‘practice’ with is yourself.)

You can register 2 ways: pay in full, or pay in two installments of $250.

After you pay, you will receive a confirmation email. Please check your spam folder if you haven’t received it in a few minutes.

For any questions about this course, or payment, please contact support (at)

We look forward to supporting you in a journey of life-altering healing and liberation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the delivery of the course more lecture or experiential? is it interactive?

A: Each class will consist of theory, stories, modeling with students to show what it looks like to un-shame, and exercises so that each individual can make their own unique experience.

Q: Can you tell us more about what will be covered?

A: Yes. First, we will introduce you to a new paradigm for shame - show you its insidious workings by telling stories, providing researched theory, and by modeling un-shaming techniques.

Next, we will not only show you how shame keeps your authentic experience and self hidden, but we will show you how to access your authentic self by accessing your somatic experience.

From there, you will learn to deepen that experience, unfold the flower of it, and finally express it in movement, sound and facial expression. This will allow you to make a shamanic shift - actually shape shift into parts of you as yet unknown. It is a profound shadow work.

There are certain specific aspects of self that are often relegated to these shadows - one’s most ’sensitive’/vulnerable self as well as one’s most powerful self. We will take you through guided experiences so that you can access these aspects of self and answer questions to help you if you are having trouble taking the exercises as far as they can.

Finally, we will focus on your more chronic sufferings, difficulties, complexes. Why? Because these are often where shame has the most suppressive impact on our gifts and aliveness.

Again, we’ll be teaching some theory, modeling approaches to accessing our gifts, and taking you through guided exercises so that you can have your own experience.

Q: Do you think we'll start selling more when we take part in this?

A: Honestly, we have no idea. It would be unethical for us to claim, YES! For all we know, you might take the course, can decide you don't want a business at all!

But we will say this. Sales is not that mysterious or complicated. It's a question of being the $1 believer in the value of your work, putting your stuff out there unapologetically, and telling people, "hey, buy this!" without equivocation, over and over again, from a place of love and sufficiency.

In my years of coaching people on business, the biggest and thorniest obstacle that stands in the way of all of that... is shame.

Imagine shame was gone. And in that place, what remained was the dignity of your authenticity, and abounding love and appreciation for yourself. If improving sales was your goal, I could not think of more powerful work to do.

Q: how is shame different from the chronic unworthiness people feel?

A: Shame is definitely at the root of that. Check out this Psychology Today article by David that addresses this.

Q: I'm registered and excited! But I'm an artist/musician/parent/professor. Any tips for adjusting the entrepreneurial aspects?

A: So glad you’ll be joining us. We believe there will be very little adjustment needed. We are framing the course in a way where we are speaking to courageous dreamers, practitioners, and creators of all stripes.

Q: I can't attend due to my time zone. Would it work for me if I just watched the recordings?

A: This is Simone answering. Can I tell you a secret? I don't really believe in conventional understandings of time and space. And there is a reality in which this course already happened, and you were already there.

The experience of it is already imprinted in your consciousness, ready to be lived into. Experiencing the recordings will be a vivid remembering and awakening of those dormant parts and dimensions.

Q: If I can't attend live, can I submit questions in advance?

A: Absolutely.

Q: Does it really help? is it really possible to be free of shame forever?

A: This is important. Un-shaming will NOT be a ticket out of the ouchy experience of being human existing on planet earth.

For as long as you are alive, you will feel a discomfort, a pain, of your soul rubbing up against the finitudes of existing as an unbounded soul, in a society very much bound by rules, laws, conventions, and political-economic-social structures that were created to uphold something other than your thriving.

That said... what I said recently was that I still feel sensations in my body that I USED to call shame... but which I now understand as when "the tension that occurs when the sacred truth of my raw, unedited humanity rubs up against a socialized standard of goodness or normalcy."

When you have the understanding and somatic skills to get un-shamed, you no longer understand the 'ouch' of being alive as evidence of your defectiveness, brokenness or unworthiness... but a normal part of the human experience, being in incarnated form as a soul, and moreover the specific assignment that YOU have as a unique spirit-form. It doesn't oppress you and stop you... it teaches you, inspires you, and galvanizes you.

You come to see that the discomfort/pain is not your damnation but one and the same as your spiritual assignment, your medicine, your genius.

Having an embodied understanding of that has been the whole damn difference between living a life of self-flagellation and hiding, and living a life of wild creativity and intimacy with myself and others.

Q: How long will we have access to the recordings after it ends?

A: Always!

The Shame Clinic closes enrollment FOR GOOD on October 18th at 11:59pm ET